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Jul 10, 2020
It becomes imperative to waterproof your house for longevity and healthy integrity. Without interior waterproofing, the structure may give up – thanks to water and foundation leakage. So, today, we will check some dos and don’ts when it comes to doing-it-yourself the internal basement waterproofing.
Do determine the source of water…
This is the first step in waterproofing. Whether you do it on your own or call for professional help, determining the source of the leakage is your fist task for better waterproofing results. Look around the corners of the windows, along with the streaks of cracks, between the mortar joints, near the entry or exit points of the pipes, etc. If there is water leakage, there should be a water source nearby.
Don’t make waterproofing repairs with standing water…
Now that you have determined the source of the water for your leakage problem, don’t be impatient to repair it at the first chance. You need to follow a certain procedure for ensuring that the problem doesn’t arise again. To do the things properly, remove all the standing water before you start with the repair work.
Do use hydraulic cement for filling cracks…
When you find the cracks, the best DIY procedure is to fill them up by using the hydraulic cement. This type of cement contains additives that expand when cooled, which means the crack will be filled properly without any problems. However, make sure that you use the mixture within three minutes for proper interior waterproofing.
Don’t apply a sealer over paint…
If you have found the basement leakage problem and are planning to fix it, then make sure that the area is paint-free. If the walls have cracks, and you are planning to address them, then remove the coating of paint before applying sealers for internal basement waterproofing.