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Top 5 Facts About Foundation Cracks

Mar 5, 2023

At this point, you must have probably noticed a foundation crack in your house. That is why you need to have some information as far as a cracked foundation is concerned. There are some things you’ve not known for a while regarding cracks in foundation. They are facts that you have been missing out on. The top 5 facts about foundation cracks are as follows:

  1. Repairing a foundation crack can be expensive

Fixing foundation cracks can be more expensive than you think. You may have to prepare yourself with a good amount of money. The more severity of the cracks or damage the more you will spend to have the problem sorted. The materials required as well as the expert you choose for the work will matter a lot. The cost and amount of the materials will play part in determining how much you will spend for the foundation crack repair

Going for a more expensive expert will mean the total expense will be high enough. When figuring out how to fix foundation cracks you need to be cautious enough if you need to spend less. A smart homeowner could opt for epoxy foundation crack repair and do it themselves if they have the skills.

  1. Overwatering cannot lead to cracks in your foundation

If you thought overwatering can cause cracks in your foundation you better think again about that. You could be in the group of a few homeowners who think overwatering can cause damage. Thinking that overwatering is opening the door for a cracked foundation repair is wrong. Overwatering your landscape can be of importance to your foundation. 

The more you water your landscape the more the soil becomes resistant to run-offs. This resistance will put the ground under no pressure hence it will not rise. Since the ground will not rise, weak areas of your foundation will not crack. Crack in foundation repair could be history to you. You will even not bother to know how to repair foundation cracks.

  1. Just filling in the cracks cannot solve the cracking problem

Filling in the cracks alone is not the solution to your cracked foundation. Yes, you will have to fill in the cracks but before that, an evaluation has to be done. You have to find out the problem under your foundation that is causing the cracks to emerge. You have to cure the underlying problem before filling in the cracks. The help of an expert is what you will need at this point. Luck enough for foundation crack repair Edmonton, Dryshield will be there for you.

  1. Cracks can appear on any foundation

Some people believe that a foundation made from concrete blocks is prone to cracks compared to one made from poured concrete. This is false because a crack can appear on a foundation of any kind. What matters is the factors that usually lead to cracked foundations. The reinforcement done on the foundation wall is a critical factor as far as a healthy foundation is concerned. You should keep in mind that all the foundation cracks to be concerned about can appear on any foundation.

  1. Foundation cracks are common

Among the most common foundation problems, foundation cracks cannot miss in that list. If you didn’t know now you know. There is a high likelihood of experiencing cracks in foundation where the soil is bad. A crack in house foundation can also lead to other problems like the downward movement of the foundation. If you do not get a crack repair kit and fix the cracks, you could be calling this problem.

Another thing you should never forget is knowing the types of basement foundations. At least knowing basement foundations will not leave you clueless whenever you think of basement crack repair. Perhaps it will make you decide which kind of foundation you will be going for. What will remain is to master fixing foundation cracks from the outside. The following are the three types of basement foundations you should make yourself familiar with.

  1. Full basement foundations

These are the types of foundations that cover the perimeter of the house or building. When it comes to full basement foundations, the whole basement floor is usually submerged on a level plane. These foundations are of two types: finished which is insulated and unfinished which is not insulated. Full basement foundations are the most expensive compared to the others. Even if it is expensive does not make you forget the issue of cracks in foundation.

  1. Daylight basement foundations

This type of basement is usually not fully submerged. One side of the basement is usually aboveground. For anyone who needs a walkout basement, this is the right foundation to go for. One of the benefits of this type of basement is that it allows natural light to get in. it is also not prone to mold like the case of full basement foundations. Like any other foundation, seeing a crack in foundation wall here will not be a new thing. It will just be the normal foundation cracks any foundation can have.

  1. Crawl space foundations

Technically, they are not considered basements. These foundations fall in between standard foundations and basement foundations. When it comes to depth, they are shallow than basements but deeper compared to standard foundations. They are the most economical type of basement foundation. If you choose this one, it will save you some coins. Even if later you will have to deal with a cracked foundation you would have already had a sigh of relief when constructing. You will also be comforted by the fact that cracked foundations are not a strange thing. So you will peacefully seek cracked foundation repair.


The facts about foundation cracks will help you a great deal as you deal with the cracks on your foundation. Having every information at your fingertips regarding cracked foundations is a good thing as far as dealing with them is concerned. These facts will help you know how best to react whenever you notice vertical foundation cracks, horizontal foundation cracks, or any type of crack.


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