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Basement Waterproofing Methods You Should Know About

Oct 21, 2020

Wet basements are like nightmares for the homeowners. To keep these nightmares from turning into reality, you need to be aware of the top three basement waterproofing methods. So, let’s talk about them here.

  • Interiors

You need to start somewhere, and the best is from somewhere you can see the problem. So, it’s interior waterproofing. You can use methods like using sealants and coatings for the faint cracks to keep the basement dry and away from leakage. The sump pump also helps to keep the condensation away.

  • Exteriors

The actual problem of leakage originates from the exterior. So, it’s important to pay special attention to the exterior waterproofing Toronto methods. Your goal should be to block the water from entering your basement in the first place. Some of the methods may include maintaining the drainage systems, coating the exterior walls, and external basement waterproofing for cracks and major problems. The best way to tackle this is by calling the exterior waterproofing Toronto services for an expert’s opinion.

  • Drainage

Lastly, you can look for the drainage systems as they are one of the topmost reasons for basement leakages. You can start by checking for any faulty drainage system and maintaining it. You can also go ahead and add an extra drainage system if the one you have isn’t working properly or needs assistance.

Being this said, each situation is different that needs different waterproofing methods. So, let us do the difficult part, and you can do the easy one by just giving us a call.


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